Monday, October 29, 2012

Sorry guys

I was so pissed waking up at 6 a.m. on Saturday to 20+ knot winds.  I bought the shiners knowing I would more than likely be dumping them into the honey hole.  The guy working at Chiquita Bait & Tackle warned me about the wind but I told him I had made a promise.  He chuckled and said he wouldn't buy any shiners back.

The kids were up when I got back, squealing about how they were the Bassmasters.  It was cute and I knew they would be disappointed but what choice did I have?  I promised them that if we didn't catch anything, I would take them the following day.  Hurricane Sandy was causing the winds to whip up some serious chop, which in turn mucked up the bottom too.

Standing on the bridge overlooking the water, I knew it was going to be a short trip.  The wind was bad on the road and in the parking lot of the bait shop, but holy crap was the wind bad on the bridge.  If the wind was blowing 20 in the parking lot, it was blowing 25+ on the bridge.  It was ridiculous and cold.

With the hooks baited and all the lines in the water, it wasn't more than 2 minutes until the whining started.  I was actually grateful because my bald head was freezing.  The wind was blowing so hard that the line was wind resistant enough to lift the bait out of the water.  The conditions were bad, it was beautiful but not conducive to a good time.

The yearly trip was a bust.  The weekend was shot, there was no fighting the wind, so alternative plans had to be made.  The kids just wanted to go to McDonald's for a Happy Meal.  I was more than happy to oblige and get outta the cold.

The alternative plans were made on Sunday when we decided upon a family trip to the Titusville KOA for Thanksgiving.  We reserved a couple of cabins and are a 20 minute drive to the Space Coast.  I promised the kids that instead of Bass fishing, we will go shark fishing.  I have a couple spot around New Smyrna, Mosquito Lagoon, and Cocoa that have produced for me in the past.


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